quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013

CTA Miscellaneous findings


Multislice, 3cc/seg, 80ml contraste I.V. iodado, não-iónico.
Paciente, sexo masculino, 79 anos.
Realiza exame para caracterização de 3 patologias:

- Meningioma da Convexidade Parietal Esquerda.
- Aneurisma Sacular da Artéria Cerebral Média Esquerda.
- Estenose acentuada do eixo Carotídeo Esquerdo.

Imagens de aquisição, MIPs, VRs.

Fernando Marques, Senior Radiographer

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

heyo would like to let u everyone a tip on how you can save some money monthly, Getting a conversion
kit for your vehicle will save you hundreds of dollars on gas by switch to an american made fuel 'Ethonal'.
More americans are upgrading their vehicles to support both fuel types and buying ethonal to fill up your vehicle.
Ethonal is not only an American made fuel, which you'll be support our economy alot more than buying fuel
that we have to import making us more depended on foreign supplies.
Run your vehicle on a [url=http://www.thegreenconversions.info]e85 Conversion kit[/url]